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Our Board of Directors

Are you business-minded outdoor and running enthusiast?    Are you willing to donate your time and energy for a good cause?    If so, we'd love to talk to you about getting involved as a board member.   Send an email to and let us know your interests so we can chat!


Steve Malliard  

Steve is a Director of Solution Architecture at a global technology company.  Here is given an opportunity to thinking strategically, build cool technology solutions, and use data analytics to drive business forward.  


His passion for running started in high school where a coach convinced him that running track would help with his soccer endeavors.  Little did he know then, that soccer would be replaced with running and that running would take him on some pretty amazing journeys.  PA State qualifiers in track (800m) and cross county, led to a collegiate national qualifier in cross county.   In his 30’s, the fire was lit to run a marathon which led to several Boston Marathon qualifiers and even the opportunity to race against Lance Armstrong (Lance won but a minute).    Life and non-running related injuries over the years have forced Steve to slow down, so he has turned his attention to ultra running and trail running of late, which which as taken him as far as the trails and hills of Frozen Head State Park in TN, the home of the infamous Barkley Marathons.


While not exactly built like a runner (whatever that means), his passion of self-exploration and community has driven him to give back to the sport that has provided him much opportunity.   More Than Trail gets its roots from that passion and he hopes it will serve as a catalyst to share the joys of running with others.


Emily Fisk

Emily is originally from Michigan, and first got into running by joining the cross-country team as a way to get in shape for her first passion which was downhill skiing. She ran her first half marathon in college and continued running sporadically throughout the years. Fast forward to the end of 2020 when a coworker convinced her to sign up for a 50k; she immediately said yes and hasn’t looked back since. Running has become a sanctuary to get back to the basics – simply moving your body the way it was designed to, through nature. Running also provides an outlet to think, clear her mind, connect with the community, and de-stress from life and work.


When not running Emily works as the Managing Director for IM|Health, a medical facility whose mission is to be proactive about one’s health by integrating family medicine, nutrition, exercise, physical therapy, and urgent care, all under one roof. Emily helps run the various divisions and enjoys tackling the different day-to-day challenges and projects. She is also a Registered Dietitian.


Through More Than Trail, Emily is excited to share her passion for running by getting more people out on the trails. Running is pretty simple when you boil it down – just get out there and start moving. She hopes to introduce others to the special running community, and show them that trail running is accessible and therapeutic, no matter where you are in your life’s journey.


Christina Morrow

Christina Morrow is the Director, Supplier Relationship Management, for Ricoh USA, Inc., where she is responsible for the strategic development and execution of supplier management strategies for Ricoh globally. She also manages Ricoh’s Supplier Diversity program and strategy to increase procurement efforts with diverse suppliers and provide further value to customers.


During her 20 years with Ricoh, Morrow has held various roles within procurement. In 2012, 2016 and 2019, Morrow was named a Top 30 Champion of Diversity, In 2020 she was named to Best of the Best as a Champion of Diversity and in 2014 a Top 25 Women in Power Impacting Diversity, each by DiversityPlus Magazine


Christina has discovered a passion for running through her journey to live a healthy lifestyle through both nutrition and fitness. She quickly found a love for running due to the impact it has had on her mental well being, physical fitness and overall health. Another bonus of running is the amazing community of fellow runners who provide support and encouragement.


Christina hopes with her involvement in More Than Trail, Inc. she can have an impact and demonstrate that to others that the running community is accessible to all regardless if one is new to running or has been running for years.  She also hopes she can show that running with others is fun and does not have to be imitating and can have an impact on the local community.

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